Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Soaking It In by candacebartlett

This past Spring has been eventful with regards to shooting waterfalls around the Pacific Northwest, and I'm finally getting around to processing a few of them. I haven't been posting photos very much due to spending a lot of time lately preparing for my upcoming wedding in August. Here is an image taken a few weeks ago on a rainy, foggy day in Central Oregon. After seeing Rami Jabaji's awesome take on this place (apparently him, Terence Lee and I were all in the same location that weekend without realizing it), I pondered whether or not I should even attempt to process mine, but I still decided to give it a go anyhow. If you haven't already checked out his image of Sahalie Falls, then you definitely should! I was lucky enough to have this entire area to myself on this particular evening and the conditions were more than accommodating for waterfall shooting. A light drizzle continued on throughout the evening and the misty, dreary sort of atmosphere added a nice touch to the beautiful area. And, In case you are wondering...yes, the water really is a lovely, striking blue-aqua color. As I sat there for a good couple of hours taking my surroundings in, I was thankful that I had made the last minute decision to head here, along with some other waterfalls in the Central Oregon area. It is definitely one of my new favorite waterfall destinations and it was a nice change from dealing with the crowds in the Gorge on the weekend. As always, thanks for taking a look. Follow me on Facebook Prints available on my website: via 500px

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