Monday, June 22, 2015

Lenny and Roy by TedGore

Please follow me on FACEBOOK Patagonia. What can be said about this place and mountain Fitz Roy, one of the most striking mountain ranges in all the world. Well, I surely can’t think of anything to say to do it justice… that, and I’m just not eloquent enough, so hopefully an image can do that for me. I’ll kick off my series of Patagonia images with this one, one of the more impressive displays of nature I witnessed during my month in the area this past april. This was a special night, and I was fortunate that I found myself in a special place when it happened. I returned to this collection of ponds that I had come across on a previous hike through the back country in hopes of scoring a shot I wasn’t able to get when I first passed by. It was such an idyllic place to spend a night watching nature move through. My tent was perched just beyond the hill in this image, and I spend most of the day laying inside, peering out the tent door right at Fitz Roy and these lenticulars forming through out the day, growing more and more excited over the possibilities at sunset. While I’ve seen pictures of lenticular filled skies, I’ve never had the pleasure to see a display like this in person, and to see it in this spot, one of my favorite spots I came across during my travels, had me pretty elated, amazed, and thankful. It just really is special to head out into such a beautiful back country like this by yourself, totally self contained and self reliant, and enjoy the view as the day passes, hearing, seeing and feeling nothing but the elements interact with your senses. Capping it all off behind a camera recording such an amazing example of the wonder of nature is something I’ll never forget. I processed this in a surreal and moody direction in the hope that it may convey the actual surreality I felt when I was there. Enjoy! via 500px

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