Monday, May 11, 2015

Fall by MAPhoto

After a 3-hour rock-hopping and steep brush-crawling effort in the dark to bring some friends up to this unique vantage point of Fitz Roy Peak on this morning we were treated to an even more unique event, which occurred in the first five minutes of sunrise: The glacier in the distance frequently avalanches into the lake, dropping roaring icefalls and bergs into the water more than 2000 feet below and such an event happened to come along on this morning right in the middle of our shoot, looking much like a waterfall cascading into the lake at anything short of the highest resolutions. The Icefall added an even more dreamlike quality to this spectacular landscape. After all the Patagonia shots these last few weeks following the fall colors down there, I was glad to have such an unusual capture. Admittedly there was more than a small amount of post-production to get the sky and atmosphere in back of this image, something I am generally more reserved with, but here I really felt the rare scene could benefit from a few extra touches, just to be forthcoming. Everything else in the scene comes from a single exposure at f/20. via 500px

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