Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Hope. What a beautiful, vital thing that can fuel any negative into a positive - any setback into action. However, like most vital things in life, hope cannot merely exist without a cost - often the cruel reminder of what we’ve either lost, still don’t have or could potentially lose. After all, there’s got to be something to hope for and against. It’s that very reason why I felt the need to commemorate the end of this month’s Pride festivities using the visuals I recently captured (during SF Pride Weekend 2018) mixed with the final testimonial of Harvey Milk - recorded mere days before his assassination on November 27, 1978. There’s just something rather uplifting, somewhat bittersweet and certainly intriguing to me about hearing the raw audio of Harvey’s last intentions while also observing the now mainstream, present-day Pride Parade, for there are things to rejoice about (overall acknowledgement of the LGTQIA+ community) while also making sure we keep some aspects in check (branded consumerism disguised as support). For me, queer pride lasts all year and is far more than a simple hashtag or rainbow-colored-product. Queer Pride is a reminder of all the sacrifice, loss and struggle that has come before me. That’s always at the forefront of my celebrations and I hope you feel a bit of that bittersweet energy in this vignette as we move into July and the remainder of this year - told through the voice of someone who genuinely believed in the power of hope. In short, I do believe that hope fueled us then and that more hope will reaffirm us now and into the future. We just gotta stay vigilant while we also “give [‘em] hope.”


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