Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Memento Mori A film by - FB:
 - _____________________ In my childhood I often could´t sleep. I was scared of going to sleep and never waking up again. I imagined I´d be buried in a place of darkness, forever and ever, being awake until the end of all days. _____________________ For the film of Memento Mori I went together with my wife Sophia to visit Giuseppe Spagnuolo in South Italy. He lives there as the last resident in his hometown Roscigno Vecchia which is one of the many lost villages in italy. We had a great day with him hanging out in the sun, feeding cats and dogs and filming awesome shots with him, never getting tired. More to come in the Making of… Press fotos: _______________________ Actor GIUSEPPE SPAGNUOLO Narration Alan Watts Assistance Sophia Linda Grading Steffen Krones Sounddesign Bony Stoev Music Ryan Taubert - Anamog We wish it was never light Waterfall Shot by MunechMax Shot on the FS5 NTSC Settings All cranked down to 25fps. Slog 2 20mm Sigma 1,4 24mm Canon 1,4 50mm Canon 1,4 100mm Canon 2,8 Macro Phantom 4 provided by Globe Flight Transcript: I have often puzzled and puzzled, about what it must be like, to go to sleep and never wake up to be, simply not there, forever and ever. But we are inclined to have in our mind, a picture of this of being shut up in the dark for always and always, to be kind of buried alive in the blackness And we think Ooh this is it This is the end And so at death we withdraw no no no, not that Not yet Please! And you accepted it. And suddenly something changed There was a strange feeling that everything is absolutely clear. You suddenly see that there isn´t a grain of dust in the whole universe that´s in the wrong place. The reason we die is to give us the opportunity to understand what live is all about. Just think When you opened your eyes on the world, for the first time as a child How brilliant colors were What a jewel the sun was. What marvel the stars. Memento Mori Be mindful of death. Alan Watts


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