Tuesday, December 29, 2015

@RobertClarkphoto Beetles are by far the largest order of insects, with 350,000–400,000 species, making up about 40% of all insect species described, and about 30% of all animals. The classification at a bit resolved, with about about 500 families. Scientist estimates between 850,000–4,000,000 species proposed which means that 70–95% of all beetle species remain undescribed. For example, the known beetle diversity of Australia is estimated at 23,000 species in 3265 genera and 121 families. While other predictions show there could be as many as 28,000 species in North America, including those currently undescribed, meaning the little studied Australian beetle fauna's true diversity could vary from 80,000 to 100,000. Although we often think of beetles as garden pests or garden protectors, many cultures use parts of dazzling, colorful beetles as prized jewelry. Just as structural color is responsible for the beautiful blue of Morpho butterflies, it is also responsible for the glistening iridescent colors of many tropical beetles. The outermost surface, of iridescent beetles is made of many stacks of slanting, plate-like layers, which are oriented in different directions. The layers bend, and then reflect the incoming light in the same way as the ridges of iridescent butterfly and moth scales. They produce structural colors by interference in the same way as butterfly w1ngs do. A layer of pigment below the refractive plates of beetles and the ridges of iridescent butterfly scales enhances the effect of the iridescence. In some species, thecolorful reflection diffraction grating to cause iridescence. The exact mechanism of the structural color for many species is an open topic of research. #evolution #darwin #thephotosociety by natgeo

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