Sunday, April 5, 2015

"Grand Monsoon" by MarkMetternich

Workshops Video Tutorials I know it is barely April, but honestly every year at about this time I grow extremely eager with anticipation for my upcoming summer “Chasing Monsoon Light in the Great Southwest” tours. Today as I was packing for my Patagonia workshop, I actually was daydreaming of this summer in the SW! While riding my bicycle today I was so engrossed in SW though I actually road off the road! :) Honestly, nothing quite thrills me like leading a great group of photographers in a chase for truly epic light. Like the years past, last year mother nature did not disappoint for even one day or one shoot. My clients and I had a time of our lives roaming the remote deserts getting grand light and amazing conditions. After a tour is over, sometimes I will invite my clients (now usually friends) to continue the chase! On this occasion, after intensely studying all the weather reports and radar, everything pointed to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. Near sunset the lightning moved on through at a far distance but electricity was certainly in the air! Every time I touched my tripod (even repetitively) it would strongly shock me. In these situations I usually take critical cover and let the camera take the risk and go to work in continuous mode (catching about 3/4ths of the strikes). This year I will try out my new lightning trigger. If you have not heard the deafening crack of roaring thunder reverberating through the depths of the Grand Canyon, you may want to. It is something so awesome you likely will not forget it the rest of your life! If you are interested in chasing wild Southwest light with me this year, I only have a few more spots open on 2 tours. This year is my most ambitious workshop year to date and I am leading over 15 workshops from the Pacific Northwest, to Patagonia, to the Great SW and beyond. Only 4 of the 15 tours still have a few openings. If you are interested simply email me for a free PDF @ Feel free to follow me on FACEBOOK if you so choose. Thank you for looking and as always GREAT Light to you! :) via 500px

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