Saturday, April 11, 2015

Moon Shadows by MAPhoto

View it on black AND not on your phone outside in the middle of the day. Although I have already shot from this location more than a couple times before, I have been conducting workshops here in Patagonia this season and wanted to share with my clients some of the best locations I have found. On this particular morning, our efforts in waiting out an unseasonably cold 5-day storm we were rewarded with a rare snowfall in early-fall, before the colors had even turned yet! Mainly, we were there for the sunrise, but it turned out it was the moonset light in my first few shots as the storm was still clearing that became my favorites. I felt the conditions here were unique enough to add this composition to my portfolio one more time, and I hope you enjoy it. The exposure was 20 seconds at ISO 4000 and f/5.6. And yes, I made them all stand IN the water for more than an hour while we shot. via 500px

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