Wednesday, July 26, 2017

This is actually the fourth and final part in a series of films commissioned by Dolby Labs for their amazing gallery space in San Francisco. Gabe Askew has long collaborated with the musician duo Hays + Ryan Holladay who were responsible for putting the series together. They leveraged the new Dolby Atmos technology to create a beautiful and embracing soundscape while Gabe tried to wrap his head around the massive 9920x720 resolution display. The theme of the series was memory. Drawing from the writings of Ray Kurzweil, Gabe created a visual metaphor for the physical act of how the brain receives a stimulus, breaks it down into elements, stores it via pattern receptors in the cerebral cortex, and then recalls it. The specific memory represented in the film is the birth of his daughter, Lily. Director: Gabe Askew Production Co: Hornet Client: Dolby Labs Music: Hays + Ryan Holladay


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