Saturday, October 3, 2015

Samsung 4K Challenge Grand Prize Winner ( Directed by Evan Mann Commissioned by Samsung and PDN Magazine Music is courtesy of the Music Bed ( My friend Kira encouraged me to apply to the Samsung 4K Challenge, and so I did and unexpectedly became a top ten finalist. Samsung overnighted me the NX500 camera and told me I had two weeks to create a 5 minute film with it. Bad news was that it was the busiest two weeks of the year, and writing, directing and producing a film would be impossible, so I decided to document a week or so of my life. Composed of people, places, experiences, and events, this film is a behind the scenes glance of time as seen from my perspective. The result of this project is to me both personal and contrived. Every time I hit the record button, I questioned my intentions and authenticity of the moment. While editing, I was able to skew context, and time, rework sound and disembody sequences of actual events in my life. With the content being so personal, this made me somewhat uncomfortable, but this is the job of a filmmaker: we manipulate time, light, sound and sequence to make it what we want. I walk away from this project with a better understanding of my roles in life, as a husband, father, friend, pilgrim, adventurer, artist and filmmaker. Also, time is fleeting. I want to thank my dear friends and family who have contributed to the enrichment of my life, what a gift it is to be surrounded by the beauty of good people. Thank you Kira for passing along this opportunity:)


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